The Sacred Path
It Takes a Village to Write a Book
A 12-month group journey to a completed first draft
You have a powerful book idea – one that’s been rattling around in the recesses of your mind for months – maybe even years.
It’s full of potential: inspiring wisdom, powerful stories, and ideas that your readers need.
Writing this book will expand your reach, allow you to serve a bigger audience, establish you as an expert, and even change the world!
But you’re stuck at the starting line. Does this sound familiar?
- You sit down to write and…crickets.
- You WANT to sit down and write, but somehow it just doesn’t happen, despite your best intentions.
- You feel overwhelmed and confused about where to begin.
- You’ve spewed out a few pages, or lots of notes, but it’s a disorganized, jumbled mess.
- Even when you do write, or daydream about your book, doubt and uncertainty begin to creep in, spreading their seeds of “not good enough.”
- You’re avoiding the muses and no longer taking their calls.
- You’re not a “real” writer – perhaps you don’t even like writing all that much – but this idea just won’t leave you alone!
Shouldn’t this be simple? You just sit down and write, alone in your bedroom or office, and voila! – a book manuscript.
How hard can it be?
Or are the rumors true? Is writing a worthwhile book going to be a huge uphill battle?
You’ve spoken with a friend or colleague who’s written a book – and in her experience, the first draft either flowed out smoothly over a weekend or two – which feels unlikely – or it was a grueling multi-year wrestling match that kept her mired in stress and overwhelm. Yikes!
Take a deep breath, aspiring author.
It doesn’t have to be like that. Writing a book doesn’t have to be a battle.
You can approach writing this book in a whole new way. It can feel easy and empowering instead of being a struggle, especially if you:
- Surround yourself with a supportive community as you write your book.
- Get the help of a professional.
- Are uplifted and inspired by being part of a group of creative leaders, like you.
Introducing… The Sacred Path
Spend 12 months with me and a group of aspiring writers, and emerge with a completed manuscript!
It takes a village to write a book – especially when you’re crafting a heart-centered message that will change lives.
Your book idea is different. It’s not a salesy e-book you cooked up just to boost your biz profile, or something you can have ghostwritten on the cheap.
You’re not writing this just for the sake of doing it. This is part of your life’s work.
You know the world needs to hear this. You want your book to be curated, heartfelt, and empowering.
To make it happen, you need to master the 5 essential elements of writing your groundbreaking book:
- A nurturing community – because the best ideas don’t happen in isolation, and when you’re accountable to your fellow writers, you’ll be motivated to do the work.
- Empowered habits that fit your lifestyle and provide you with the container in which to write, regularly, without excuses. Not only that – your writing will feel enjoyable and fun!
- Solid skills that will enable you to get your message and story across, enchanting your readers.
- A confident writing voice in which to speak your truths.
- Inspired persistence, to keep you writing even through blocks and resistance.
Together, we’ll make magic, creating a finished manuscript that will deliver your wisdom and stories to a wider community.
What will the journey look like?
The focus will be on putting together an outline that forms the skeleton of your book. Your outline – whether you’re writing a self-help book, a novel, or your memoir – is a flexible container in which your book can grow safely, with the structure you need to start – and finish – your manuscript. |
A regular time for writing is a sacred container – the womb, if you will, in which your book baby will grow. We’ll develop, test, and refine a customized habit that works best for you and your lifestyle – and will have you feeling eager and excited to write! |
On The Sacred Path, we put the emphasis on collaboration, and the power of a writer’s circle to support you in writing your best work. We’ll focus on building a resilient circle of colleagues who will guide you through the creation of this book…and the ones to come. |
As you write your manuscript, getting feedback and guidance from me and the other writers, you’ll discover how to consistently improve your work. Together we’ll explore the craft of writing. You’ll learn and practice all that you need to know to write a book that your readers will adore. You’ll learn to shape your writing in a way that connects strongly with your ideal reader. |
Each book has its own voice. As your book’s personality emerges, we’ll work together to shape it in order to best showcase your wisdom and messages. You’re not just writing a book – you’re building your body of work. What do you want this volume in your body of work to express? Together we’ll refine your book’s voice. |
Over our time together, your resistance, blocks, and fears will be brought into the light. We’ll address these over the entire course of the program, with a special focus on the tools you can use to keep writing, even when it’s a struggle. |
Your book baby is born – it’s a finished manuscript! We’ll wrap up your first draft – and our work together. This module also includes a look at the next steps to get your book baby out into the world. |
Here’s how we’ll make it happen:
Our work will be done virtually, via Zoom calls and a private Facebook group.
We start with a private 1-hr set up call where we customize a plan for your book project.
Then, each week, four times per month, we’ll gather as a group to:
- learn the inner and outer skills that support you in your writing
- check in with me and the other writers (for Q&A, accountability, progress reports, and celebrations)
- workshop pieces of each person’s writing (when it’s your turn in the “love seat,” you’ll share a piece of your work ahead of time, along with the specific type of feedback you’re seeking)
- and put it all into practice (in a co-writing session where you can dive deep into your work).
You also get a weekly accountability check in with me via email or private message, and 30-minute private 1:1 coaching calls where we can get past any resistance that arises.
You won’t just have my professional support – you’ll also have a community of writers walking the path with you!
BONUS 1 – 4 QUARTERLY WRITING RETREATS ($333 value each, total value $1332)
The Sacred Path group program includes a seat at my 2-day virtual writing retreats, which take place quarterly. You can attend any of the virtual retreats offered during the course of your 12 months in the program. The retreats allow you to dive even deeper into essential writing wisdom that will make your heart-centered book more powerful and inspiring! We’ll explore the idea of collaboration and community as part of the craft of writing, and the transformation it brings.
You’ll have access to the weekly Parallel PlayDates. In these two-hour Zoom calls, we begin with a guided meditation that helps you get grounded and aligned. A writing prompt helps you enter into your creative zone. Then we create together in our virtual Zoom room, keeping the text chat going for inspiring side conversations. At the end of the call, we check in with one another to see how it went. The PlayDates are a powerful container for accountability, community, and having a guaranteed chunk of time for writing each week.
The Sacred Path will help you finally write the book you’ve been dreaming of – and widen the scope of your impact in the world!
Let’s be honest – this book is worth more to you than the money you’ll make or save.
This is about actually responding to the call. This is about knowing the difference your work, your story, your wisdom can make in the world.
How much longer can you afford to put that off?
You need support. Otherwise you’d have already written your manuscript.
Your ideas deserve to shine. They – and you – deserve the best possible support to make it happen.
You can do this. We can do it, together.
Spaces are limited, so reserve yours today.
Your investment:
You know that anything worthwhile involves an investment in your time, energy, and money. You’ll need to set aside time to actually do the work of writing your book – and that’s something I’ll help guide you in putting into place.
Cash-flow friendly: | Pay in full and save: |
$177 one-time enrollment fee
followed by 12 monthly payments of $299 |
$3499. total
(a savings of $266.) |
This is for people who are READY to write their damn book
I’ll be completely up front with you – this is not for people who want to screw around and sit on their book idea for the next 10 years (or forever). You haven’t got time for that.
AND this isn’t for people who want to pound out a sub-par book in a weekend (or even a month).
Making an impact takes time.
Saying something important takes commitment, thoughtfulness, and deep work.
And bringing it into the world requires structure, ongoing support, and a circle of colleagues to help you make it fun.
So — are you ALL IN on your book? On yourself? On what you have to say to the world?
The program is 12 months long. My experience, as the author of 6 published books and more on the way, is that it takes about this long to write a powerful, well-thought-out manuscript.
Anything less – contrary to those Write a Book in 40 Days courses you see in Facebook ads – is too rushed, leaving you with a weak or incomplete draft.
Anything longer can be as uncomfortable as being an expectant mother after her due date – not a fun experience, I can attest.
Even so, 12 months is still a long time to build and maintain a consistent writing habit, if you’ve never done it before. That’s why I’m here to guide you through it and provide you with the skills, persistence, and habits you’ll need to succeed.
People who work with me finish – and publish – their books.
If we haven’t met before, I’m Nikki Starcat Shields — writer, book midwife, and your official “write your damn book” cheerleader.
I’ve been exactly where you are today. It took me years to finally begin writing the book ideas that kept nagging at me.
And there were plenty of ideas – but life was always crazy-busy, and that plus fears and lack of self-confidence held me back. Luckily, the muses were persistent.
Now I’m the author of six published non-fiction books, and I’m in the middle of writing a contemporary fantasy series. Through trial and error, I’ve discovered how to write books – and I’d love to share that wisdom with you.
I delight in sharing what I’ve learned about being a writer with those who have the longing to write a book, but no idea where to start. I teach people to be Thriving Artists, writing their heartfelt books while also nurturing themselves and their creative lives.
In my work as a book midwife and transformational retreat leader, I specialize in helping you bring your unique voice – your expertise, your passions, your most cherished stories – to the page in a way that will engage and delight your readers.
“Nikki is the real deal- she walks her talk, and does it firmly and with true backbone, but is also somehow one of the softest, warmest, and most genuine people I’ve ever met. She CLEARLY knows her stuff, and is a benevolent leader and teacher, and able to REALLY communicate well and break down even formerly daunting info, so it feels do-able and manageable. Nikki exemplifies the inner work- always feeling grounded, calm, and radiating heart energy.” – Britt Bolnick, In Arms Coaching
Over our time together…
You’ll receive: | You’ll achieve: |
12 months with my guidance | …so that you can set up the structure and solid writing habits that get you writing regularly. |
1:1 coaching support | …so you can work through those stuck places and any resistance that arises. |
access to a supportive community | …for encouragement, inspiration, and accountability that help you stay focused. |
all of my tools and tips for writing your first draft | …which will help you consistently improve as a writer. |
my expertise in our group call and private FB group each week | …so you can craft the best book possible for your ideal readers. |
virtual weekend retreats | …where you’ll dive deeply into your book’s voice and master the art of telling your story. |
Here’s how it will feel to walk The Sacred Path:
Support: You’ll have my professional guidance, plus the encouragement of a circle of leaders and visionaries who are writing their books alongside you. This will soothe your doubts and boost your confidence, as you learn the skills you need to write your manuscript.
Accountability: When you’ve stepped into the circle, you can’t just disappear and pretend you never said you’d write your book, even when it gets challenging or boring. This is a good thing – really! Accountability will help you establish and maintain your forward momentum.
LOTS of words written: The Sacred Path is a container in which you’ll find your voice and write your book. Picture how proud and excited you’ll feel looking at pages and pages and pages of your heart-felt wisdom.
Laughter and creative play: Listen – it’s simply not true that writing has to be a huge struggle that drives you to drink. Creativity is actually much more productive when approached with playfulness. Get ready to have fun!
A tight-knit community: A circle of creative powerhouses, focused on the journey of writing world-changing books? WOW. We’re a force to be reckoned with, together! We get sh*t done.
Being SEEN and held in sacred space: The birth of your book deserves special care and nurturing. So do YOU, aspiring author. On The Sacred Path, you’ll receive it, in abundance.
“Getting through this first book has been monumental for me. Now that I’m in the final stage of editing, ideas for the next one are already starting to sprout! I know that doing this with support and ease beats the ever-loving pants off of trying but ultimately not actually doing it on my own.” – Jennifer Elizabeth Moore, Modern Medicine Lady, author of Empathic Mastery
What happens next?
- When you click the button below, you’ll be sent to my calendar to book a complimentary 30-minute consult call.
- You’ll receive an email with the Zoom link for our call.
- On our call, we’ll discuss your needs and whether this 12-month program is right for you.
“Joining the writer’s group was way out of my comfort zone. The writing I did was something private – like someone who loves to sing, but mostly under the shower. I love words, and I love storytelling, but I wasn’t sure if that made me a writer. Joining The Sacred Path for Writers has opened doors for me in a way that I never thought possible. To be part of a group of creative thinkers, creating and telling a story with our voice is so much fun and so liberating that the ripple effect is enormous. Yes, my writing voice definitely grew, and I learned so much about myself. I was able to embrace my uncertainty and go outside and play with words. As a whole I feel more grounded, I have added new tools to my daily activities, and I know so much better how to express myself. Oh, and my writing skills got a total makeover. My book is growing into a real treasure.” – Renee Vos de Wael, Sagittarius Way
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