Harvesting Your Inner Wisdom

Harvesting Your Inner Wisdom

Harvesting Your Inner Wisdom: 

a virtual spa weekend for you & your Muse

August 10-11, 2024

Journaling from the comfort of your home 

9:30am-5pm Eastern each day

Have you ever thought or said, “I’m not a writer” – and yet you journal nearly every day?

  • Have you ever tried and failed at Morning Pages? 
  • Do you have more than 3 journals that are partially filled?
  • Are you always drawn to the journal section in your local bookstore?
  • Have you dreamed up a secret book (or story) idea that you’ve only told your journal?

You’re not alone. 

By the way, dear journal-keeper, you are actually a writer. Journal writing is terrific practice for future sharing of your secret stories.

Your journal is a place where you can get healing and insight, upgrade the stories you tell about yourself, and reimagine your life.

But life is full. Your journal, your Muse, your Inner Self are feeling neglected.

Summer should be a season with an easier pace and more down time. But in our 24-7, hustle-hustle-hustle modern culture, we don’t often take the time to truly relax. You keep going at your usual pace, even when your body says to slow down. It’s exhausting.

You might find yourself asking:

  • Where’s my freakin’ down time? 
  • What does my Muse have to say? When was the last time I nourished her?
  • Who am I, really, and what do I have to say?
  • When I get to the end of the summer and ramp up for fall, what will I have to show for it?

Ready for some “me time?”

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What have you done just for YOU this summer?

It’s time to unplug from your life and plug into your source of inner wisdom.

Divine what is next for you.

Feed your genius.


Tap into your intuition.

Get some much-needed healing and soul-level rest.

Join us for a virtual retreat for journal-keepers and wisdom-seekers. 

Introducing… Harvesting Your Inner Wisdom: 

a virtual spa weekend for you & your Muse

August 10-11, 2024

journaling from the comfort of your home, via Zoom

9:30am-5pm Eastern each day

This is an opportunity to take time out to reconnect with your BFF – you! (You did know that your Muse is part of YOU, right? She tends your inner creative wellspring…)

This two-day virtual writing retreat is like a soul vacation: no responsibilities, no one asking you for anything, time to sit with your journal and reconnect with yourself.

This isn’t about making plans and setting goals – though new dreams may be inspired by the work you do here.

It’s not a bullet journaling workshop.

This is about cultivating the thoughts and ideas that lead you back home to yourself… 

IMAGINE emerging from this virtual retreat:

  • enjoying the freedom of an emotional weight being lifted
  • feeling reinvigorated in your creative work  
  • having new tools to deal with and process difficult situations, thoughts and feelings
  • feeling much more present and able to focus
  • having clarity on your next steps, direct from your inner source

Guided meditations and journal prompts will be the compass for this journey. You’ll tune in and listen to that Glennon Doyle voice of knowingness deep inside, getting to the core of what YOU know – so you can use that wisdom in your daily life, be heard, and eventually share it with others.

Our time together will be gentle and nourishing – like a luxurious visit to a spa. You and your muse will be pampered as you explore deep wisdom.

This retreat is a way for you to open up your inner and outer senses, surrounded by others who are focused on reconnecting to their inner voice, too.

Plug into your inner wisdom!

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“It was serendipitous magic that I even HAPPENED to go into my promotions folder and see the email for [the virtual] retreat. I was having a frustrating day and somehow saw it and I just hit yes. And it exceeded my expectations a thousandfold. It was more effective than the two 6-week workshops I’ve taken at an online school in the past year. I’m so grateful and officially your fan.” – Jessica Faller, author

You have something to say, a story to tell – and your journal is your medium.

Through exercises and prompts guided by me, Nikki Starcat Shields (writing coach and life-long journal keeper), you’ll open up and reconnect to your own words of wisdom. 

I’m an author, writing coach, and leader of transformational writing retreats. I’m also a licensed Pagan priestess. I’ve had five non-fiction books published so far and I’m currently writing a contemporary fantasy series, as well as a book on creativity.

I’ve been journaling since I was a little girl, and I absolutely love how it helps me process difficult emotions and access the depths of my creative wellspring. In this retreat, I will guide you through journaling prompts that help you discover and focus on your true priorities.

In my work as a writing coach, I teach people to be Thriving Artists, writing their heartfelt books while also nurturing themselves and their creative lives. I was inspired to create this particular retreat thanks to the feedback of my clients, who told me that my writing prompts enable them to look within, but without the usual self-critical, “mean girl” voice that they use to speak to themselves.

This virtual retreat will give you the opportunity to honor your Muse and allow her to speak freely to you

This retreat is the sacred container where you can slow down and access that space for yourself.

“I really like the way Nikki guided us in a soft and gentle manner and gave us the space and the tools to craft our writing practice. She breaks it down in achievable and clear chunks and I love the woo-woo she brings to it, too. She has depth and knowledge when it comes to the transformative properties of writing and how to guide her clients to deep shifts and enduring understanding of the process. It was a fantastic experience and helped me start on my path to become an author.” – Andrea Parker, Intuitive Business Guide and Educator, Founder of The Rejuvenation Grange

Ready to gift yourself with the deep inner wisdom you’ve been yearning for?



Book Now Talk to Nikki

There are 20 seats at this intimate virtual retreat. 15 spots remain.

Use the buttons above to save your place immediately OR book a 15-minute Zoom call with Nikki to discuss if this retreat is right for you.