Meeting With The Muses: Write Your Book in 2024

Meeting With The Muses: Write Your Book in 2024

Stop Dreaming of Writing a Book and Actually Finish Your Draft!

Learn to harness the power of planning to allow your creative genius to flow onto the page.

Thursday, February 22, 2024, 2pm-6pm Eastern, via Zoom

You have a book idea that needs to be written, but you’re stuck and not writing it. The world needs your wisdom. Your story must be told.

But yet another year has just come to a close, and you still haven’t written it.

Your life is busy with SO many other things.

Those muses keep on whispering in your ear, but you tell them “not now” – and then feel guilty for not answering their calls.

You just don’t know where to begin with your book – so it doesn’t ever happen.

What would it be like to finally write your heartfelt book, with ease and joy?

You can share your valuable wisdom with the world, be seen as an expert in your field, fulfill that longing you’ve had to get it written, feel accomplished, and expand your reach by sharing your work with a wider audience.

Writing a whole book can feel overwhelming.

It sounds like it should be simple: just sit down and write. But if that was true, you’d have done it already.

The thing is, you can’t just force the creative process, you need to NURTURE it.

Without a solid container, sitting down to write at random times will never happen. Writing time won’t suddenly appear in your week – you have to create it, deliberately and with intent. A customized writing plan will allow you to fit your book into your daily life, and to enjoy the process rather than fighting it.

That’s why you need this mini-retreat. Learn to harness the power of planning to allow your creative genius to flow onto the page.

This Meeting with the Muses mini-retreat will get you set up to start – and finish – your book draft. Together we’ll create a customized writing plan; a map with clear steps to nurturing your book to life.

You’ll learn to:

  • Identify what’s stopping you from writing and use practical tools to stay the course when obstacles arise.
  • Craft a writing habit, which is the solid container you need to open yourself to creative flow and share your genius in words.
  • Create a writing ritual that will align you with your book’s purpose each time you sit down to write.
  • Set a word count goal so you can track your progress objectively.
  • Use a flexible outline to make sure you include all the relevant material and organize it in a way that makes sense to you and your readers.

Join me for this special mini-retreat! Spaces are limited to 25 people, so we’ll have time to go deep and customize your writing plan together. Grab your spot for just $199.

“Nikki is kind, compassionate and provides a safe place while also offering the best kind of accountability- not the punitive type that leaves you feeling less than, rather the inspirational type that leaves you feeling more capable than you ever imagined.” – Stephanie McLeod-Estevez, LCPC, Creative Transformations LLC

In our mini-retreat, I’ll lead you through the process of crafting a customized writing plan. You’ll receive direct feedback to support you and your book. You’ll walk away with a solid plan that will support you in writing your book.

Save your spot now for just $199.

I’m Nikki Starcat Shields, writer, book midwife, and your official “write the damn book” cheerleader.

I’ve been exactly where you are today. It took me years to finally begin writing the book ideas that kept nagging at me. And there were plenty of ideas – but life was always crazy-busy, and that plus fears and lack of self-confidence held me back. Luckily, the muses were persistent.

Now I’m the author of six published non-fiction books, and I’m in the middle of writing a contemporary fantasy series.

I’m a Virgo Sun, so planning came naturally to me, once my creative side stopped fighting the very idea of structure. Through trial and error, I’ve discovered how to write books – and I’d love to share that wisdom with you.

Meeting with the Muses is for you if you are:

  • A creative type who resists the notion of structure, yet doesn’t write regularly.
  • A busy person who has wisdom to share and a longing to make the world a better place.
  • An entrepreneur or healer who wants to expand your reach and share your expert knowledge with a wider audience.
  • Someone with a powerful story to tell but no clue how to begin.
  • Someone who has tried to write your heartfelt book but has gotten stalled at the very beginning.

Ready to sign up?

Click the Save My Seat button below and you’ll be directed to make your payment. Next, you’ll receive an email from me with all the details for the workshop. Remember to block off the date in your calendar! 

“I really like the way Nikki guided us in a soft and gentle manner and gave us the space and the tools to craft our writing practice. She breaks it down in achievable and clear chunks and I love the woo-woo she brings to it, too. She has depth and knowledge when it comes to the transformative properties of writing and how to guide her clients to deep shifts and enduring understanding of the process. It was a fantastic experience and helped me start on my path to become an author.” – Andrea Parker, Intuitive Business Guide and Educator, Founder of The Rejuvenation Grange


Won’t planning constrain my creativity?

That’s a common myth. The truth is, without some kind of container, your book just won’t get written. Having a plan and a writing habit will give you and your muses a space in which to work together productively. A plan sets you up for success, and nurtures your creativity. You’ll even have fun along the way!

How do I know this is right for me?

If you’re longing to write your book but don’t know how to get started, or have tried but gotten stuck long before your draft is done, this workshop is just what you need.

Why should I invest my money and time in my book idea? Can’t I do this on my own?

If your book is a priority to you, then getting support makes sense. You haven’t yet written your book draft, so while doing it on your own in certainly possible, it’s not a given. Putting your money and time into crafting a solid, customized container will give you the clear steps to writing your book this year.

I can’t make it that day – will there be a recording?

Not this time, no. This is an interactive workshop that requires you to be present in real time to craft your customized plan, with my support. Give a little thought to how you can perhaps rearrange your schedule, in order to give yourself and your book the gift of your time and energy.

Save your spot now for just $199. to make sure you get in on this powerful workshop. 

Spots are limited to the first 25 people to sign up.

Imagine yourself a few months from now, book draft written, feeling accomplished as you share your heartfelt wisdom with the world. Boom – you’re an author!