Never Write Alone

Never Write Alone

Never Write Alone

a 2-day virtual retreat to bring your book & big ideas to life

October 19-20, 2024
from the comfort of your home, via Zoom
9:30a-5p each day

When you think about writing the book that’s been in the back of your mind for a while, what comes up? What’s stopping you?

You might jump ahead to the potential results – or lack thereof – and your fears start to crowd in. 

How will I get it published?
Who will read it?
Who wants to hear what I have to say?
Will my writing be good enough?
What if no one likes it?
What if I fail?
Is this even worth attempting?!

These fears are perfectly normal. They stem from the assumption that you have to do it all alone. To figure it out. To make it happen.

Writing feels like a solitary activity – starting with just you and that blank page – but it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, most published authors don’t write their books alone.

What if you could create your book, from the start, while nurturing the conditions in which you (and your book) will thrive?

Imagine bringing your book to life in a community of creative people who “get it.”

Releasing your fears and doubts. Being seen and recognized as the powerful wise being you truly are. Writing from a place of empowerment and flow.

Picture having colleagues to cheer you on, keep you focused, and give you feedback. 

Imagine advance readers who give you useful, constructive criticism (delivered with kindness), and help you shape your manuscript so that it attracts your ideal readers. It feels easier – you’re in the flow, rather than feeling stuck. 

See yourself in a virtual room of conscious co-creators, collaborating mindfully and sharing the process of crafting a book. Your ideas are sharper, bigger, bolder than they could have ever been if you were hidden away, working alone.

It’s time to step outside your regular daily grind – or the chaos of a routine that’s been interrupted – to shine your focus on your heartfelt book.  Immerse yourself in a creative environment. Take a deep dive into your stories, your wisdom. Share the experience with other aspiring authors, led by an experienced guide.

Because here’s the thing…

If you want to create a book that…

    • Captures your unique ideas, experience, expertise, and perspective
    • Expands the reach of your business
    • Creates powerful change in the world
    • Actually gets noticed, recognized, bought, and read

…then don’t try to do it alone.

It Takes a Village to Create (and Launch!) Your Book

Don’t believe me? Why is it that writers… 

  • Carve out the time to write yet don’t actually get it done (or are unsatisfied with the results)?
  • Buy course after course but never really get anywhere?
  • Hire expensive mentors to help them write awesome books that nobody reads or buys?

It’s not because they weren’t capable of creating an amazing book… 

It’s because they didn’t build their village while they were bringing their book to life.

The right village will support you at EVERY stage of your book writing process →

Release your doubts and step onto the path of writing your book manuscript.

Elicit the feedback and collaboration that will help you craft the best book possible.

Begin building the author platform that will launch your book baby into the world.

Most retreats only focus on carving out the time to write OR overloading you with strategies to write (and maybe launch, if you’re lucky) your book.

At the Never Write Alone retreat, we’ll focus on surrounding yourself with the community you need to succeed.

Your book is your calling card for the magick you bring to this world.

If you want to pour your heart and soul into your book, then let’s channel your energy, let’s protect it, let’s focus it on the right places. Together, we’ll build the momentum that carries you through as you write and launch your book

A movement can be started by one person – but it takes a village for an idea to catch fire and spread.


If you want your book to MOVE into people’s hands… 

If you want your book to MOVE people’s hearts…

You, too, MUST be in motion – 

And while it only takes one determined person to SPARK a movement… 

It takes a village to make an idea catch on fire… 

And spread around the world.

So why are you trying to do this all by yourself?

Let’s spend 2 full days building the essential elements you need to write, finish and ultimately LAUNCH your big book idea… giving your book the support it needs to thrive!

Step inside a space where we’ll work together to:

You’re not truly the type of person to shut yourself away to craft a vital project like your heartfelt book. You know that
you do your best work when your creative spirit is sparked by inspiration.

On the Never Write Alone retreat, you’ll receive that essential inspiration, with:

  • 2 days filled with writing, sharing, and learning in a creative, rich, collaborative atmosphere.
  • An experienced guide – that’s me – to hold space for you and guide you to creating your book.
  • Strategies to build your wildfire support team that will help you launch and spread your work.
  • A seat at the (virtual) table with a group of awesome creative people who get what you’re doing and why.
  • Lots of laughter and inspiration as we work together to craft our heartfelt books.

Does this sound like just the thing to catapult your book project forward into reality?

You’re invited to join us for a weekend of releasing your doubts and writing freely – with the support of a circle of fellow creators.

Never Write Alone

a 2-day retreat to bring your book & big ideas to life

October 19-20, 2024
from the comfort of your home, via Zoom
9:30a-5p each day

Immerse yourself in creative sacred space for the weekend.

The Never Write Alone retreat is the place where you’ll set the solid foundation for writing your book – surrounded by a circle of writers who’ve got your back, and guided lovingly by an expert.

You’ll take your book from a vague idea to a vibrant work-in-progress – while feeling supported and uplifted in the process. Together we’ll craft the platform of community you (and your book) need. There is a place for you at the virtual table. 



There are 20 seats at this intimate virtual retreat. 14 spots remain.

Book Now Talk to Nikki  

Use the buttons above to secure your place immediately OR book a 15-minute Zoom call with Nikki to discuss if this retreat is right for you.

“I LOVE how warm Nikki is. I think it is actually impossible for her to be judgmental. I instantly feel seen and accepted when I’m talking to her. Nikki is one of those rare people who leave you feeling more encouraged, seen, and capable than before you spoke to her.” – Natalie Taylor, The Missing Ink

What happens next:

    1. When you click the Book Now button, you’ll be sent to PayPal, where you can securely make your payment.
    2. Within 24 hours, you’ll receive an email with your retreat Welcome Packet. You’re in!!!
    3. When you click the Talk to Nikki button, you’ll be sent to my calendar to book a 15-minute consult call.
    4. Your confirmation email will contain the Zoom link for our call.
    5. We’ll then chat about whether the Never Write Alone retreat is right for you.

Meet your fearless leader…

I’m Nikki Starcat Shields — writer, book midwife, and your official “write the damn book” cheerleader.

I’ve been exactly where you are today. It took me years to finally begin writing the book ideas that kept nagging at me.

And there were plenty of ideas – but life was always crazy-busy, and that plus fears and lack of self-confidence held me back. Luckily, the muses were persistent.

Now I’m the author of five published non-fiction books, and I’m in the middle of writing a contemporary fantasy series. Through trial and error, I’ve discovered how to write books – and I’d love to share that wisdom with you.

Community and collaboration have been an essential part of my own journey, and I wanted to create that for other aspiring authors. I’m building a community of heart-centered writers, and we welcome you to the table. You’re not alone.

“Nikki is the real deal – she walks her talk, and does it firmly and with true backbone, but is also somehow one of the softest, warmest, and most genuine people I’ve ever met. She CLEARLY knows her stuff, and is a benevolent leader and teacher, able to REALLY well communicate and break down even formerly daunting info, so it feels do-able and manageable. Nikki exemplifies the inner work – always feeling grounded, calm, and radiating heart energy.” – Britt Bolnick, In Arms Coaching


If you are…     You’ll walk away with… 
Struggling to make headway with your book project…  A solid plan and a good head-start on your book manuscript.
Searching for – yet dreading – feedback on your writing…  Thoughtful, useful feedback from a published author and fellow writers, delivered with kindness in sacred space.
Not sure if your book idea is even good enough…  Help with crafting the premise and intention of your book – and the confidence to proceed!
Feeling like you’re all alone in this… Connections to other writers who care about you and your book project.
Worried about the end results, like who will read your book… The know-how to begin building your platform (your book’s audience), even before your first draft is finished.

Spaces are limited, so secure your place today!


Book Now Talk to Nikki

“I really like the way Nikki guided us in a soft and gentle manner and gave us the space and the tools to craft our writing practice. She breaks it down in achievable and clear chunks and I love the woo-woo she brings to it, too. She has depth and knowledge when it comes to the transformative properties of writing and how to guide her clients to deep shifts and enduring understanding of the process. It was a fantastic experience and helped me start on my path to become an author.” – Andrea Parker, Intuitive Business Guide and Educator, Founder of The Rejuvenation Grange